Friday, February 28, 2020

101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes

101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes

$ 0.98

105 pages0.98
 door Recipes

$ 0.98
105 pages 0.98

101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

10 Ways to Make 10k 23 pages

10 Ways to Make 10k 23 pages: 10 Ways to Make 10k 23 pages

$ 0.98
454 0.98

I’d like to welcome you to the “Ten Proven Ways to Make at Least $10,000 Every Month” report!
I’m really excited about this report. And that’s because it seems everyone wants to know how to make $10,000 a month online so they can blow past the magical “six figures a year” milepost…
Just browse your favorite online marketing forum for a few minutes, and I’m guessing you’ll unearth dozens of similar requests. Plus if you could take a peek inside my inbox, you’ll see it’s one of the top questions I get from beginning marketers!
That’s why I decided to create this special report for you and everyone else who knows it’s possible to make $10,000 a month online, but haven’t yet broken through that barrier.
I’m not going to give you just one plan. No, instead –
I’m going to give you TEN proven ways to make $10,000 a month online!
I call it the “10T Formula”. “Ten ways to make ten thousand dollars every month!”
Or you’ll simply call it “financial freedom”.
Here’s just a taste of some of the ways you can get on your path to $10,000 per               eBooks

Monday, February 24, 2020

Baby Newborn

Baby Newborn: Being a brand new mom is a gift that every woman can be thankful for. The first time you hold your baby in your arms, the first time he opens his mouth, and basically the first everything. You would do just about anything to shield that new angel of yours. If you can, you give them the best of everything, and this includes the things you put on their skin. Because the baby’s skin is so sensitive and fragile, you are always careful to choose what to put on them. Some chemicals make the baby’s skin break out, and that is the last thing you would want to happen.

Baby health care is therefore one of the many concerns that a new mother needs to consider. After all, her new baby is a blessing and she would want to do everything and anything to keep her baby safe. As a mother, you need to make the choice of what products to buy. Your priority is your newborn’s skin because this provides the foundation of healthy adult skin.

When you go to the stores and choose the right skin care line for your child, you can get confused with all the products found on the shelves. There is a recent trend that suggests that organic skin care products are better for the child’s skin. Babies need appropriate light creams and baby lotion to keep their skin supple and soft. Of course, there is also the recurring diaper rash. Because babies require protection for wetness, diaper rashes are sometimes inevitable. Stock your cabinet with the rash cream that your doctor recommends. Always ask your physician. After all, they should know more about the latest products.


Job Change

Job Change: Thank you for taking the time to read “7 Steps to Job Search Success”. You
have taken one of THE most important steps towards finding the job you want
through a system that I have personally used in my own career.
Just by reading this e-book, you are going to be WAY AHEAD of 99% of
everyone else who you might compete against in the job market.
What you are about to learn is a culmination of 30 years of experience in job
changing, hiring, training and sales and marketing.
There is an expression…”the harder you work, the luckier you get”. In the
case of a job search, this is definitely true.
By following the recommendations contained in this e-book, your chances of
getting the job you want will dramatically improve.
The contents of this book were taken directly from the popular e-book
The StreetSmart Job Changing System so if you want to learn even more
ways to get the job you really want, just go to
for more information.
In addition, I always love to hear success stories! If this book or The
StreetSmart Job Changing System© does help you attain your job search
goals, please e-mail me and let me know. Your comments, ideas and
suggestions are always welcome and will help me and your fellow job
searchers improve their chances of success too.


6 Simple Rules Of Power

6 Simple Rules Of Power: 6 Simple Rules Of Power


$ 0.98
217 KB 0.98

There’s one thing that differentiates happy and successful individuals from misfortunate, unsuccessful individuals. It’s all in the attitude and personal power.
We can’t all of the time control the conditions that we chance upon, however what we may control is how we respond to them.
In that way we may make fresh selections and take a different action, therefore bringing ourselves toward success.
A positive mental attitude for life success is utterly crucial and provides great personal power.
Once you have an extremely positive attitude you’ll have a greater expectation of success and more personal power.
It forever appears that we get what we anticipate, and when you anticipate success and power that is precisely what you’ll wind up discovering.
To help you formulate the sort of mental attitude that will bring success and personal power, I wish to share this book with you to help you accomplish better results.

5 Easy Ways To Make Money OFFLINE

5 Easy Ways To Make Money OFFLINE: 5 Easy Ways To Make Money OFFLINE

$ 0.98
1,181 KB 0.98

Simple Method #1:

One simple thing you can do is offer article marketing services to a local business. You can explain to them the benefits of article marketing, such as the traffic it can potentially bring their website, the leads it could generate for them, the SEO benefits of having back links from articles, etc.

If you are an article writer, you might be getting anywhere from $1.50

-$17+ per article online, but most freelancers get about $3-7 per article on average.

However, when you offer article marketing for offline businesses (to promote their business and/or their website) — you can charge A LOT I have gotten anywhere from $25-50 per article from offline businesses and they are more than happy with the results. Plus, most businesses will want you to write 10-20 per month for them once you explain how article marketing really works. If you can’t write an article to save your life…you can always outsource to an online freelancer that produces quality work. Heck, even if you paid a freelancer $10 per article you would still bank a very nice profit!

Simple Method #2:

Another method of making some easy money in the offline local business world, is to offer blog creation services to local businesses. A blog is super simple (and FREE) to create. You do not have to have any technical knowledge

Online Dating 5 steps

Online Dating 5 steps: What You Need to Know About Online Dating… First!
Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not. It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its rules and unless you know all the rules you just can’t become a good player and eventually a winner.
Tastes Differ
There are so many kinds of people around. Just look around you, how many people you know look the same?
Sizes, builds, shapes, features… they are all so different.
And that is just about the external appearances. And when it comes to character, it becomes a very different story altogether. Take a trip down memory lane, go back to your classrooms and take a look around.
A classroom is one place where we get to interact with a lot of different people on a very close basis. We get to rub shoulders and corners with very different people and we get to know them on a one to one basis. So how many of your classmates did you genuinely like?
I don’t mean like them as classmates but as people. Was it easy to get along with all of them? That is why we often end up with best friends or clichés in classrooms.
We do not and do not have to like every body. The tastes and interests of one person might match with ours while the tastes and interests of another person



4th of July Recipes

4th of July Recipes

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Easy Steps to Great Card Magic

Easy Steps to Great Card Magic: Easy Steps to Great Card Magic
IT is our intention to show you the easy steps to great card magic, and the second stage of our journey is to instruct you in the use of the overhand shuffle and to explain the many purposes which it serves.
Anyone who plays cards has learned to execute the overhand shuffle. It is a simple operation, yet it is the first step—and a very important one—on the road to the mastery of card magic. It is essential that you master this first step before continuing on your journey, and for this reason we urge you to learn the various shuffles and perform the many fine tricks which they make possible before you pass on to the other sections.
Each succeeding chapter in this book, except the last, leads to the one which follows and builds on what comes before it. Resist the impulse to learn everything at once but by practicing each step as you go, you will, with a speed that will amaze you, soon have traveled the entire road; when finally in that way you have reached its end, you will be a far more competent card conjurer than will the more impatient reader.
With this final word of caution, we now continue on your pleasant journey to mastering card magic.


Handyman: Handyman


$ 0.98
1.12 0.98

Don’t Fear the Hammer
As you wake up in the morning, you feel a drop on your face: the ceiling’s leaking. You
stumble down the stairs for your morning paper, glance at a typically morbid headline,
and turn back inside, only to find that no, the old wooden front door won’t shut. As you
sit at the kitchen table reading your daily dose of bad news, you glance out the back
window to see your five-year-old, who’s been playing on the back deck, suddenly
disappear. You open the back door (the lock mechanism sticking hard) only to find a
broken section of rotted deck, your child lost somewhere in the unknown realm of giant
spiders below.
You walk back inside, shaking your head. “Well, it will be an adventure for him–a good
learning experience,” you think. “Besides, I haven’t had my coffee yet.” But as you sit
down in the living room, you’re distracted by a few dozen holes in the walls left by years
of nails and screws. Your reading is further disturbed by the sound of water dripping
from your leaky kitchen faucet. Ploop…ploop…ploop–each one is louder than the last.
So you run to your upstairs “study” for shelter, only to remember, as you sit at your
desk, that the windows in this room haven’t opened for months, making it more like a
cloistered oven than a den.


Handyman: Handyman


$ 0.98
1.12 0.98

Don’t Fear the Hammer
As you wake up in the morning, you feel a drop on your face: the ceiling’s leaking. You
stumble down the stairs for your morning paper, glance at a typically morbid headline,
and turn back inside, only to find that no, the old wooden front door won’t shut. As you
sit at the kitchen table reading your daily dose of bad news, you glance out the back
window to see your five-year-old, who’s been playing on the back deck, suddenly
disappear. You open the back door (the lock mechanism sticking hard) only to find a
broken section of rotted deck, your child lost somewhere in the unknown realm of giant
spiders below.
You walk back inside, shaking your head. “Well, it will be an adventure for him–a good
learning experience,” you think. “Besides, I haven’t had my coffee yet.” But as you sit
down in the living room, you’re distracted by a few dozen holes in the walls left by years
of nails and screws. Your reading is further disturbed by the sound of water dripping
from your leaky kitchen faucet. Ploop…ploop…ploop–each one is louder than the last.
So you run to your upstairs “study” for shelter, only to remember, as you sit at your
desk, that the windows in this room haven’t opened for months, making it more like a
cloistered oven than a den.


Handyman: Handyman


$ 0.98
1.12 0.98

Don’t Fear the Hammer
As you wake up in the morning, you feel a drop on your face: the ceiling’s leaking. You
stumble down the stairs for your morning paper, glance at a typically morbid headline,
and turn back inside, only to find that no, the old wooden front door won’t shut. As you
sit at the kitchen table reading your daily dose of bad news, you glance out the back
window to see your five-year-old, who’s been playing on the back deck, suddenly
disappear. You open the back door (the lock mechanism sticking hard) only to find a
broken section of rotted deck, your child lost somewhere in the unknown realm of giant
spiders below.
You walk back inside, shaking your head. “Well, it will be an adventure for him–a good
learning experience,” you think. “Besides, I haven’t had my coffee yet.” But as you sit
down in the living room, you’re distracted by a few dozen holes in the walls left by years
of nails and screws. Your reading is further disturbed by the sound of water dripping
from your leaky kitchen faucet. Ploop…ploop…ploop–each one is louder than the last.
So you run to your upstairs “study” for shelter, only to remember, as you sit at your
desk, that the windows in this room haven’t opened for months, making it more like a
cloistered oven than a den.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Russian Brides

Russian Brides: HOME PAGE
Russian Brides
Russian Brides


$ 0.98
981 KB 0.98

Russian Brides               eBooks


Russian Brides

Russian Brides: HOME PAGE
Russian Brides
Russian Brides


$ 0.98
981 KB 0.98

Russian Brides               eBooks


The Lotus Code

The Lotus Code: The Lotus Code

$ 0.98
* 0.98

this e-book and
welcome inside to the utterly blissful and creative world of
Let me introduce myself. I’m Geoff Dodd, writer of the
experience-based web site,
I was born in Wellington, New Zealand. After doing a
degree in physiological psychology I worked for years as a
probation officer, medical social worker, community-based
psychiatric social worker, musician, guitar teacher, taxidriver,
then web site builder based in Western Australia.
From the day I read a tiny booklet entitled “Scientific
Research on The Transcendental Meditation™ Program”,
my life changed irreversibly and I had found new purpose…


Entertaining Angels

Entertaining Angels: HOME PAGE
Entertaining Angels
Entertaining Angels

$ 0.98
94 KB 0.98

Welcome to this Group Bible Study Guide for Genesis 19:1-11, a text usually
identified as the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Study Guide assumes that
a group of persons will gather together to listen to the text and engage in a
responsible study of the text and context of the story in order to get a clearer
understanding its meaning for persons of faith today.
Of course, this study can be undertaken by an individual, though the benefits of
the wisdom and perspectives of the community will be reduced. If you study
this as an individual, you are encouraged to take the time to engage each of

Friday, February 21, 2020



$ 0.98

255 KB0.98
With most parents today opting to go back to work full time there is a need to find reliable and reputable childcare help. There are many establishments that offer such services but a discerning parent would wisely research the centre before actually making a commitment to send his or her child there. Places that offer childcare help which encompasses the essence of safely, health, promotions of physical, emotional and cognitive skill should be seriously considered as a requirement and a necessity and not just an advantage. Get all the info you need here.

Arts & Crafts for Cash

Arts & Crafts for Cash

$ 0.98

337 KB0.98
All types of leisure activities can be turned into a viable business should the individual decide to make it an income earning venture. With this in mind, anyone wanting to venture into the business field should be well equipped with the various connecting dos and don’ts of doing business. Get all the info you need here.

Chicken Qabalah

Chicken Qabalah: Chicken Qabalah

$ 0.98




Greenhouse: Greenhouse

$ 0.98
553 KB 0.98

If you’re growing carrots, beets, turnips and other root crops, they thrive well in deep boxes which can be put under benches. Those that require tub-type containers are tomatoes, peas, cucumbers and pole beans, while lettuce, or other low leafy vegetables may be planted in the tub with the taller vegetables.
You can plant corn directly on the floor of the greenhouse, in a special bed prepared for it. To save space, you can plant pumpkin between the rows of corn.
Use room temperature water to water your indoor plants. Let tap water stand for a day to get rid of the chlorine substance. This way you avoid your plants getting brown tips.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Angels of Chaos

Angels of Chaos


$ 0.98

437 KB0.98
One thing which I seemed to have lost at first was trust; trust in

myself and belief in the vomit of others.“ -WE ‘99

It is my purpose to convey to the reader my experiences

as an explorer of the psycho-cosm of Self. I hope to convey

this knowledge with a sense of practical application and a

possible future arena of exploration to the inspiring

initiate. The techniques and ways used can be adapted to

many different formats and uses (even outside of the angelic

operation itself).
The chaos magical approach is of the violate. This

approach is even subject to it’s own nature. According to

Liber CHRNZN, to achieve the ecstasy of heaven one should

Angels of Chaos

Angels of Chaos


$ 0.98

437 KB0.98
One thing which I seemed to have lost at first was trust; trust in
myself and belief in the vomit of others.“ -WE ‘99
It is my purpose to convey to the reader my experiences
as an explorer of the psycho-cosm of Self. I hope to convey
this knowledge with a sense of practical application and a
possible future arena of exploration to the inspiring
initiate. The techniques and ways used can be adapted to
many different formats and uses (even outside of the angelic
operation itself).
The chaos magical approach is of the violate. This
approach is even subject to it’s own nature. According to
Liber CHRNZN, to achieve the ecstasy of heaven one should

Alchemy – The Black Art

Alchemy – The Black Art

$ 0.98

154 KB0.98
In this scientific and technological age, the ancient Art and Science of Alchemy is

looked upon as mere rubbish of the past, a dark and fanciful cloud upon the sky of

history. Yet this, I venture to say, is not the case at all; and this I shall endeavor to

demonstrate to you through words of practical insight and wisdom, since Alchemy,

in our modern school of thought, is the True Science of every wise and practical

WoMan who lives upon the face of the earth.

Alchemy is comparable to the Great Sun of the Ages which ever shines bright in the

infinite sky. It is not the fault of the Sun if we cannot see it; it is due to own lack of

vision. Yet the Sun ever shines bright for those who have eyes to see, and in seeing

the Sun we become enlightened!

Now the word Alchemy is an Arabic term consisting of the article “al” and the

adjective “khemi”. Aleister Crowley, the eminent Golden Dawn Magician of the 20th