Thursday, April 29, 2021

(ebook – occult) book 2 of wicca 44pages

(ebook – occult) book 2 of wicca 44pages: (ebook – occult) book 2 of wicca 44pages April 9, 2020 TwoOldGuysDistributingCo | Edit All One Wicca: A Study in The Universal Eclectic Wiccan Tradition Book Two: A Grimoire One of the tools of ancient sorcery and Witchcraft was the Grimoire. More than a book of “spells,” the Grimoire was an instruction manual, telling the Witch or Sorcerer many of the “secrets” of the universe. I’ve gathered together thirteen secrets from a number of Grimoires and Books of Shadows, both modern and ancient, for the use of the solitary and coven Wiccan with no grimoire of his/her own. The information here is not wholly Wiccan, and what is Wiccan is not wholly Universal Eclectic Wiccan, but anyone with an interest in old ways may find much of what lies within useful. My suggestion is that one use this as a starter grimoire, building their own from this point forward. I’m a bit of an old mule in my separation of the Grimoire and the Book of Light, I know that many gather it all into one great tome, with all their little bits of knowledge interspersed with prayers and rituals, but I like to keep them only partially together, if at all. The first three ring binder I bought spared me endless rewrites in blank books, and since then I’ve never kept a tome in anything else. I can’t give enough praise for expandable tomes, so if you desire to separate your Sacred Book into Grimoire, Journal and Book of Light, consider that each side will grow at a different rate and leave space accordingly. As a Teacher, one of my strongest problems is my handwriting, my students will twist and turn their head trying to figure out the peculiar backslant that my notes and journals are inscribed in. As a result, I have since turned to a computer and printer instead of a blank book and a pen. My feelings are mixed, on one hand, a floppy Grimoire just doesn’t seem to “feel” very Pagan, but on the other, my students look over my notes and understand them. I’ve decided that it is I, not the computer, who is doing the writing, and that it is more important to be legible than traditional. Much of what I studied in writing All One Wicca were personal journals, so I realize that with the changing of technology my disks will become obsolete. As a result, I print everything out in duplicate. Hopefully, if Wicca becomes suppressed, these printouts will not read like some of the “translations” of the great metaphysicists of the past, with the word “Illegible” in the middle of a spell or worse, the translator’s best guess.                      eBooks                world Wide product          Metaphysics / Witchcraft / Occult

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