Monday, May 11, 2020

A Beginners Guide to Rune Stones

A Beginners Guide to Rune Stones

Runes originate in the Viking period, in the time of Odin, the chief god of Norse mythology, a time

when longboats sailed from the fjords of Scandinavia on military missions. It is part of Viking legend

that Odin's horse, Sleipnir, had runic symbols engraved upon its teeth. Maybe for this reason, the 19th

rune is called Ehwaz, the horse.

Fortunately runes and runic symbols did not die with the Vikings. Thanks to television and film, many

people who would otherwise know nothing of the Vikings are aware of them, their gods and their

lifestyle, but relatively few also know that the lore of the Vikings continues well into our modern-day

lives through the use of the runes.

Every rune symbolises not only an alphabetical letter, but a deeper meaning, an energy. It is our aim

to show the relevance of the wisdom of the runes even in this day and age in our everyday lives as we

progress through this book. At the end of the day, wisdom is ageless and its source never dries up.

What Is The Futhark?

Runes are often called the Futhark, Futhorc or Elder Futhark after the first six letters of the runic

alphabet in traditional order. The runic alphabet has undergone various changes over the years, and

runic characters are not only the alphabet of their time but also have their own meanings. They are not

mere letters with sounds, and in many ways are similar in character to ancient Egyptian or Hebrew.

Those who are interested in language foundation may already know that runic was originally the

language of the northern Germanic races, and that there are remarkable similarities between runic and

other early languages, such as early Celtic. Stemming from an unwritten language, the runic symbols

were often regarded as magical.

All the characters of the runic alphabet are in straight lines, as with the Ogham alphabet, of which we

will learn a little more at a later stage. This is probably because it made them easier to carve on stone.                      eBooks                world Wide product store         Pet Shop                    Metaphysics

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