Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Confirmation & Discovery of Witchcraft – J Stear 1645 ebook 71 pages

A Confirmation & Discovery of Witchcraft – J Stear 1645 ebook 71 pages: Courteous R E A D E R
Othe end Imight fut’iific the opinions offuch as
dejireto hefurtherfat is fied concerning the di.tbolicall
art^ or crying (in^ofWitch-craft (ts I
mayfo call itC) For thefinve ofWitch, crafty and
tht diaholicslpraSifc thereof^is omnium fcelerum atrociff Lmum,
atid infuch as have the knowledge ofCod^ the grcaicfi
Apojiactc from thefaith 5 for they renounce God and Chriji^
and give themfelves by a covenant to the Dcvill^ the utter enemy
to God and all mankind^for in Deut. 1 8. 1 o, 1 1
, 1 l,God
gdve command to all the children of Ifrael that none amongfi
his fljould bee fuch. For thofe abominations rccrc the
children ofCanaan driven out from before thcm^ and utterly.
deftroyedandplagiied.As alfo Manai]cih52 Qvo\\.7^/-.iYhich
mck^dnef^e of his was fo abhorred of God^ as in h/sdifpleafnre
hee mentions it manyycares after by lertmy^as caufe
of removing the lewesfrom their land^andjo leading them a^
way captive into a ftrange land ^ ler. 15. 4, 5. idolatcrs                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop    Metaphysics / Witchcraft / Occult

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$0.97 – Purchase

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