Sunday, April 26, 2020

1 Pcs Mini Lovely Simulation White Black Furry nighthawk Home Creative Decoration Christmas Bird Ornament Kid’s Gift

1 Pcs Mini Lovely Simulation White Black Furry nighthawk Home Creative Decoration Christmas Bird Ornament Kid’s Gift: Buy 1 Pcs Mini Lovely Simulation White Black Furry nighthawk Home Creative Decoration Christmas Bird Ornament Kid's Gift at! Free shipping to 185 countries. 45 days money back guarantee.


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A_Rare_Bird_Indeed_For_Bird_Watchers___The_Atlantic_Puffin: Title:A Rare Bird Indeed For Bird Watchers – The Atlantic Puffin

Word Count:404

Summary:For most bird watching enthusiast, keeping an eye out for a rare sighting is of great importance. Sighting an Atlantic Puffin is just such rare sighting

Keywords:bird, birds, bird watching, puffin, puffins, atlantic, sightings, life list, birding, birder

Article Body:For most bird watching enthusiast, keeping an eye out for a rare sighting is of great importance. Sighting an Atlantic Puffin is just such rare sighting

A Rare Bird Indeed For Bird Watchers – The Atlantic Puffin

Observing an Atlantic Puffin is a bird watcher’s golden egg because they are not prevalent in the world. As the name suggests, they can only be found on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and only during certain times of the year. If you are building a life list, this is a bird that will set you apart from others.

The Atlantic Puffin is a beautiful bird, a member of the Auk family of birds. A seabird, this little bird is a fisher in the ocean, often diving 50 feet or more to catch dinner. It is marked by its white lower body, which contrasts with a midnight black back and wings. The head is bla


2019 Fashion Home decoration Exquisite Birds Figurine Decor Hand Craft Collectible Art Glass Blown Animal Ornament Decor 661ZS10

A_Special_Crystal_Animal_Figurine___Hand_Crafted_From_Bohemian_Crystal: Title:A Special Crystal Animal Figurine – Hand Crafted From Bohemian Crystal

Word Count:410

Summary:A quality crystal animal figurines crafted in Bohemian glass is a work of art

Keywords:crystal animal figurine, crystal cat figurine, crystal dragon figurine, crystal dolphin figurine

Article Body:Purchase a crystal animal figurine from the area where the making of crystal and blowing glass first began. The Czech and Slovak Republics have been involved in crafting crystal figurines for more than 500 years. Small workshops in towns and villages were the settings where the first crystal animal figurine came from in cat and dragon designs. Today the dolphin is also popular as a crystal animal figurine.

The art of blowing glass to make a crystal animal figurine has not changed in any significant way throughout the centuries. The process begins with the craftsman making the molten glass in a furnace and then he blows it into various shapes, such as a crystal dragon figurine or a crystal cat figurine. A wooden mold is also used to shape the glass. After the craftsman inspects the crystal dolphin figurine and finds that it is perfect, he then lets it cool for 48 hours.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Book of Shadows 168 pages

A Book of Shadows 168 pages

A Book of Shadows 168 pages

A personal collection

Of spells, chants, and ancient lore

In celebration of the Ancient Ones

The Wiccan Faith

The Pagan Path


The Green Way                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop
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166 Cosmic Laws and Precepts of Consciousness pages 129

166 Cosmic Laws and Precepts of Consciousness pages 129: 166 Cosmic Laws and Precepts of Consciousness pages 129
April 23, 2020 TwoOldGuysDistributingCo | Edit

All creation is governed by cosmic awareness. The principles
that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists,
are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule
the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of
consciousness. Contained within these laws (or conditions) is
the true nature of matter. Knowledge of these laws has an
effect upon the mental urges. Mind is the builder. Stay in full
mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to
self and to others, and know that in love all life is given, in love
all things move.
In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving, love
becomes the fulfilment of desire, guided and directed in the
ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of self as related
to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in
life. Love IS life. When we go back, merge with the God Source,
in some infinitesimal but profound way, we expand the Mind of
Our God and higher self always points the best and most
perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what
we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show
the perfect way, the loving way. All of creation pushes forth.
We are ever becoming. Identity ever remains!                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop    Metaphysics / Witchcraft / Occult

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Book of Shadows 168pages

A Book of Shadows 168pages

The Kybalion
“And Man was made of Life and Light,
Into Soul and Mind,
Of Life, the Soul,
Of Light, the Mind.”
“All things are moved,
Only That which is not moveable”
“Every body is changeable”
To Open the Circle
Bless me, O Mighty Ones,
That I may
See no evil
Hear no evil
Speak no evil
And be purified in Your sight!
Of the Water                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop
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#1 Protection Chant Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should do this before and after doing spells, Visualize your self…

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages

Armed with these thirteen herbs, you will easily be able to handle most situations that arise, from dis-ease to magickal needs. Following in the tradition…

12th Generation Book of Shadows 317 pages

12th Generation Book of Shadows                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop    Metaphysics / Witchcraft / Occult occult ebooks, fbi secret files, free, occult, esoteric, magick, satan, magic…

50 of the Most Powerful Spells on Earth 29pages

50 of the Most Powerful Spells on Earth 29pages

#1 Protection Chant

Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should do this before and after doing spells, Visualize your self sitting in the middle of the pentagram facing upwards with 3 circles of purple light round you and say: “PROTECT ME WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT OH GODDESS GRACIOUS DAY AND NIGHT” say it three times then end it with “SO MOTE IT BE” another version of the same spell just different words is: “THRICE AROUND THE CIRCLE’S BOUND SINK ALL EVIL TO THE GROUND” say it three times and end it with “SO MOTE IT BE”

#2 Protection Spell

Protection chant for out-door spells:

Before attempting spells at night, out-doors, take up a blessed object (wand for instance) and draw a pentagrams in the air. Imagine the pentagram glowing

and the evil around being trapped inside until after your spells, chant:

Hail fair moon

Ruler of the night;

Guard me and mine

Until the light

#3 A Purification Spell

To be used when feeling depressed, out of control of your life, after the breaking of a relationship and at any other time when you feel the need.

Take four coins. Wash them just until they’re sparkling clean (you may need to scrub them with baking soda and a toothbrush). Do this before going to the well.

Stand before the well facing West. Toss a coin into the well, saying:

I freely give this up.

Move so that you’re facing North before the well. Toss a coin into it, saying:

I freely give this up.

Now facing East before the well, toss and say:

I freely give this up.

Facing South, throw a coin into the well and say:

I freely give this up.

Your rite has ended.

(Note: it would be unwise to perform this ritual in a well actually used as a source of drinking water.)

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages:

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages

Armed with these thirteen herbs, you will easily be able to handle most situations that

arise, from dis-ease to magickal needs. Following in the tradition of permaculture, each

herb has been selected for its multi-faceted uses. They can all be grown easily; and many

of them can be used in cooking.

The Thirteen Herbs

1) Comfrey Symphytum officinale

Alternate names: knitbone, knitback, black wort, consound, consolida, bruisewort,

slippery root, wallwort, boneset, miracle herb, healing herb, gum plant, ass ear, yalluc

(Saxon) The botanical name, Symphytum, means “grown together”. The name comfrey

might be from the Latin conferva “knitting together”.

Habitat and Growth: Member of the Forget-me-not and Borage covens, Boraginacea.

Comfrey has deep tap roots like huge carrots. This allows it to live in most soils, as it will

seek out the water and nutrients needed. Deep water is preferred as it is fairly common

throughout England and is native to Europe and parts of Asia. Try to plant in a wet spot, a

low spot, or a place with a high water table if possible. She also likes partial shade.

Magickal Attributes: All parts used. Healing. Protective in the loving ways of a mother.

Used for money spells, especially because of its prolific nature and deep emerald green

leaf color. Used for safety during travel and has many “grounding” qualities, especially of

the root. Comfrey is associated with the feminine, Saturn, and Water. Physical

Attributes: Roots and Leaves used. Comfrey contains a nitrogenous crystalline substance                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop
occult ebooks, fbi secret files, free, occult, esoteric, magick, satan, magic rituals, book of power, , occult esoteric, witch craft, talisman, occult magick, tarot reading, occult book, pagan, occult supply, rune, home paternity test, wicca, home drug test, alchemy, aliens, afterlife, akashic records, alternate universes, alternative health, alternative science

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

Raunchy Recipes—The Foods of Love

Casanova, the 18th-century lover, apparently ate a daily breakfast of at least 50 oysters to

boost his libido. And recently a scientific study vindicated the oyster as being one of the

true aphrodisiacs. Especially in the spring … it sounds almost too poetic to be true but …

scientists have revealed that it is in the legendary season of love that these little molluscs

reveal their strongest qualities as a virility booster.

In fact, quite a few bi-valve mollusks, including clams and oysters contain a rare amino

acid that has been found to trigger increased levels of sex hormones. Just what a

renowned and traditional aphrodisiac is meant to do!

Dr George Fisher, a professor of chemistry at Barry University in Miami, his research

team of graduate students and the Laboratory of Neurobiology in Naples confirmed this

fascinating fact. Using a process of high-performance liquid chromatography they were

able to identify the amino acids D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) and N-methyl-D-aspartate

(NMDA). These are not normal amino acids, according to the scientists and as yet cannot

be found in a vitamin shop or man-made medicine. They are unique to Mother Nature.

Dr D’Aniello from Naples Neurobiology Lab, concurs that oysters are definitely

aphrodisiacs that help to increase the rare hormones in the blood that can stimulate sexual

activity.                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop

occult ebooks, fbi secret files, free, occult, esoteric, magick, satan, magic rituals, book of power, , occult esoteric, witch craft, talisman, occult magick, tarot reading, occult book, pagan, occult supply, rune, home paternity test, wicca, home drug test, alchemy, aliens, afterlife, akashic records, alternate universes, alternative health, alternative science

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

12 Raunchy Recipes-The Foods of Love 7pages

Raunchy Recipes—The Foods of Love

Casanova, the 18th-century lover, apparently ate a daily breakfast of at least 50 oysters to

boost his libido. And recently a scientific study vindicated the oyster as being one of the

true aphrodisiacs. Especially in the spring … it sounds almost too poetic to be true but …

scientists have revealed that it is in the legendary season of love that these little molluscs

reveal their strongest qualities as a virility booster.

In fact, quite a few bi-valve mollusks, including clams and oysters contain a rare amino

acid that has been found to trigger increased levels of sex hormones. Just what a

renowned and traditional aphrodisiac is meant to do!

Dr George Fisher, a professor of chemistry at Barry University in Miami, his research

team of graduate students and the Laboratory of Neurobiology in Naples confirmed this

fascinating fact. Using a process of high-performance liquid chromatography they were

able to identify the amino acids D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) and N-methyl-D-aspartate

(NMDA). These are not normal amino acids, according to the scientists and as yet cannot

be found in a vitamin shop or man-made medicine. They are unique to Mother Nature.

Dr D’Aniello from Naples Neurobiology Lab, concurs that oysters are definitely

aphrodisiacs that help to increase the rare hormones in the blood that can stimulate sexual

activity.                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop

occult ebooks, fbi secret files, free, occult, esoteric, magick, satan, magic rituals, book of power, , occult esoteric, witch craft, talisman, occult magick, tarot reading, occult book, pagan, occult supply, rune, home paternity test, wicca, home drug test, alchemy, aliens, afterlife, akashic records, alternate universes, alternative health, alternative science

Monday, April 13, 2020

Apocrypha Discordia 100 pages ebook

Apocrypha Discordia 100 pages ebook: cheduled for Surgery, that quiet voice which I imagine also talks to Zen monks, Sufi
mullahs and other Disreputable Persons at the End, rapped sharply on my skull and
told me to get my shit in order within the week. Little did I know it was Eris using
a funny voice, the bitch. Anyhow, I hurridly wrapped up a couple of projects, and
this was one of them.
I got curious. Discarding the “non-canonical” material ( well, laying it aside ), I
started to reference my little collection to the original. I’d stumbled, by the way,
on I-Net’s 4th&5th combined edition, with the wonderful foreword by Lord Omar.
Imagine my shock when I realised that some of these fragments I had to hand were not
to be found in the Principia.
As well, we’ve the addition of a brand spanking new Back Cover to this edition. Now
the arse won’t fall out when you pick the book up. I imagine this will be particularly
helpful for those reading this on PDAs, who won’t have to worry about losing
the batteries anymore.
Anyway, apparently earlier editions of the Principia contained the Myth of Starbuck.
Perhaps this is the solution to the mysterious fragments I had. Perhaps they didn’t
make the edit. Who knows. I have never heard of a pre-4th&5th Edition extant. I would
of course be very interested in talking to anyone who might have information about
any of these early editions. We can only hope that one will surface, eventually.
Who was he? What was he like? How did he live? We can only hope someone will write
of his life, and maybe also rediscover the lost I Chao, also mentioned by Lord Omar.
But at some stage, at last intrigued by these “holy quotes”, I copied out by hand all
of the Discordian Scriptual References in Illuminatus, including the Hagbard Celine
tracts. Hooked, I started working through other RAW ( Robert Anton Wilson ) works,
and with the inevitability of a cream pie in flight, as I ventured into more exotic
bookstores and other Purveyors of Disrepute in search of said, the Principia arced
its way towards my face. By the time it struck, I had a small collection of fragments
assembled, together with such esoterica as I’d acquired along the way ( such as
Vonnegut’s Bokonon, and other perverts                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop    Metaphysics / Witchcraft / Occult

occult ebooks, fbi secret files, free, occult, esoteric, magick, satan, magic rituals, book of power, , occult esoteric, witch craft, talisman, occult magick, tarot reading, occult book, pagan, occult supply, rune, home paternity test, wicca, home drug test, alchemy, aliens, afterlife, akashic records, alternate universes, alternative health, alternative science

Friday, April 10, 2020

A Manual of Occultism 237 pages

A Manual of Occultism 237 pages: INTRODUCTION
IT is not my intention in these pages to attempt an exposition of the deeper arcana in connection with the
various subjects treated of; but rather to place before the lay reader a number of methods by means of
which he will be able to demonstrate to his own satisfaction, and that of others, that there is a deep
substratum of truth in what is usually called “Occultism,” and that the occult arts are sure and definite
means of exploring them.
The ancient Hermetic philosophers were well aware of a certain subtile correspondence or analogy

Friday, April 3, 2020

Productivity_Boosting_Methods_For_The_Positive_ 49 page eBookMind

Productivity_Boosting_Methods_For_The_Positive_ 49 page eBookMind

7 Days to Profitable Blogging 37 pages

7 Days to Profitable Blogging 37 pages: Starting a blog is as simple as finding a space online to write – and the time to write.
To start though, you’ll need to work through a brief list of steps to create your space.
Before you even consider your blog though, you have to think about WHAT you’re going to blog about. It’s important to stop and think about your blog, before starting it because, to be quite honest, without purpose, blogs are pointless. And this pointlessness will dilute your message considerably.
So, you need to think about what you’re writing and why. Consider your theme – and then build some keywords around it, because for the first little while, you should try to include at least some of them in every post. You’ll get archived in all of the right places that way, which will lead valuable NON COMMENT generated traffic to your blog. You’ll also be commenting on blogs similar to yours and hopefully, generating more traffic based on the links you leave.   
                  eBooks                world Wide product store
    Pet Shop                    Metaphysics

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Aromatherapthy 25 pages

Aromatherapthy 25 pages

Introduction to Aromatherapy

You have probably heard the term Aromatherapy and wondered what exactly that funny word, „aromatherapy‟ actually means. It is the use of plant oils in there most essential form to promote both mental and physical well being. The use of the word aroma implies the process of inhaling the scents from these oils into your lungs for therapeutic benefit.

If you have ever used a vapor rub for a cough then you have tried aromatherapy, although not in its purest form. As a matter of fact, you probably have been using aromatherapy on yourself and your family for many years without realizing it through vapor rubs or electric vaporizers.

Vicks or other brands of vapor rub use eucalyptus or menthol to clear out stuffy chests and noses. Imagine if you used the undiluted essential oil of eucalyptus how clear your lungs would feel.                      eBooks                world Wide product store         Pet Shop                    Metaphysics

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

10 Ways in 7 Days 37 pages

10 Ways in 7 Days 37 pages:

10 Ways in 7 Days 37 pages
April 1, 2020 TwoOldGuysDistributingCo | Edit


Your Step by Step Guide to Making $700
in Seven Days
The Potentiiall of Thiis Report
Without hype or the slightest exaggeration, the Internet is the single largest economic gateway
the world has ever known. Never before has it been so easy for a person to generate revenue
from their own home and attain financial independence. And yes, examples like Yahoo, Google,
and e-Bay are the superstars of the e-world, the Internet still presents anyone with a computer
and access to the web the potential to make exponential profit.
Of course, with any new medium comes new rules, procedures, and a host of undiscovered
problems to overcome. By now we are all aware that the DotCom bubble burst and took millions
of investors and thousands of businesses down with it. Are there risks on the Internet today for
someone looking to go into business for themselves? Of course there are—but is there a risk that
your job could be outsourced tomorrow or the entire company relocated to Asia?
Quite simply, this report is not intended to mislead the reader into believing that there are not
genuine risks associated with any long-term business venture—because there will always be
risks and they are what creates the potential for profit. This report will not promise that the
reader can make millions with only an hour or two of effort each day like many of the sales
pages you see on the web today. So what does this report promise for the reader?                      eBooks                world Wide product store         Pet Shop                    Metaphysics