Wednesday, April 22, 2020

50 of the Most Powerful Spells on Earth 29pages

50 of the Most Powerful Spells on Earth 29pages

#1 Protection Chant

Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should do this before and after doing spells, Visualize your self sitting in the middle of the pentagram facing upwards with 3 circles of purple light round you and say: “PROTECT ME WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT OH GODDESS GRACIOUS DAY AND NIGHT” say it three times then end it with “SO MOTE IT BE” another version of the same spell just different words is: “THRICE AROUND THE CIRCLE’S BOUND SINK ALL EVIL TO THE GROUND” say it three times and end it with “SO MOTE IT BE”

#2 Protection Spell

Protection chant for out-door spells:

Before attempting spells at night, out-doors, take up a blessed object (wand for instance) and draw a pentagrams in the air. Imagine the pentagram glowing

and the evil around being trapped inside until after your spells, chant:

Hail fair moon

Ruler of the night;

Guard me and mine

Until the light

#3 A Purification Spell

To be used when feeling depressed, out of control of your life, after the breaking of a relationship and at any other time when you feel the need.

Take four coins. Wash them just until they’re sparkling clean (you may need to scrub them with baking soda and a toothbrush). Do this before going to the well.

Stand before the well facing West. Toss a coin into the well, saying:

I freely give this up.

Move so that you’re facing North before the well. Toss a coin into it, saying:

I freely give this up.

Now facing East before the well, toss and say:

I freely give this up.

Facing South, throw a coin into the well and say:

I freely give this up.

Your rite has ended.

(Note: it would be unwise to perform this ritual in a well actually used as a source of drinking water.)

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