Friday, April 3, 2020

7 Days to Profitable Blogging 37 pages

7 Days to Profitable Blogging 37 pages: Starting a blog is as simple as finding a space online to write – and the time to write.
To start though, you’ll need to work through a brief list of steps to create your space.
Before you even consider your blog though, you have to think about WHAT you’re going to blog about. It’s important to stop and think about your blog, before starting it because, to be quite honest, without purpose, blogs are pointless. And this pointlessness will dilute your message considerably.
So, you need to think about what you’re writing and why. Consider your theme – and then build some keywords around it, because for the first little while, you should try to include at least some of them in every post. You’ll get archived in all of the right places that way, which will lead valuable NON COMMENT generated traffic to your blog. You’ll also be commenting on blogs similar to yours and hopefully, generating more traffic based on the links you leave.   
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