Wednesday, April 22, 2020

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages:

13 Herbs for a Witchs Cabinet 4 pages

Armed with these thirteen herbs, you will easily be able to handle most situations that

arise, from dis-ease to magickal needs. Following in the tradition of permaculture, each

herb has been selected for its multi-faceted uses. They can all be grown easily; and many

of them can be used in cooking.

The Thirteen Herbs

1) Comfrey Symphytum officinale

Alternate names: knitbone, knitback, black wort, consound, consolida, bruisewort,

slippery root, wallwort, boneset, miracle herb, healing herb, gum plant, ass ear, yalluc

(Saxon) The botanical name, Symphytum, means “grown together”. The name comfrey

might be from the Latin conferva “knitting together”.

Habitat and Growth: Member of the Forget-me-not and Borage covens, Boraginacea.

Comfrey has deep tap roots like huge carrots. This allows it to live in most soils, as it will

seek out the water and nutrients needed. Deep water is preferred as it is fairly common

throughout England and is native to Europe and parts of Asia. Try to plant in a wet spot, a

low spot, or a place with a high water table if possible. She also likes partial shade.

Magickal Attributes: All parts used. Healing. Protective in the loving ways of a mother.

Used for money spells, especially because of its prolific nature and deep emerald green

leaf color. Used for safety during travel and has many “grounding” qualities, especially of

the root. Comfrey is associated with the feminine, Saturn, and Water. Physical

Attributes: Roots and Leaves used. Comfrey contains a nitrogenous crystalline substance                eBooks      world Wide product store        Pet Shop
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