Monday, April 13, 2020

Apocrypha Discordia 100 pages ebook

Apocrypha Discordia 100 pages ebook: cheduled for Surgery, that quiet voice which I imagine also talks to Zen monks, Sufi
mullahs and other Disreputable Persons at the End, rapped sharply on my skull and
told me to get my shit in order within the week. Little did I know it was Eris using
a funny voice, the bitch. Anyhow, I hurridly wrapped up a couple of projects, and
this was one of them.
I got curious. Discarding the “non-canonical” material ( well, laying it aside ), I
started to reference my little collection to the original. I’d stumbled, by the way,
on I-Net’s 4th&5th combined edition, with the wonderful foreword by Lord Omar.
Imagine my shock when I realised that some of these fragments I had to hand were not
to be found in the Principia.
As well, we’ve the addition of a brand spanking new Back Cover to this edition. Now
the arse won’t fall out when you pick the book up. I imagine this will be particularly
helpful for those reading this on PDAs, who won’t have to worry about losing
the batteries anymore.
Anyway, apparently earlier editions of the Principia contained the Myth of Starbuck.
Perhaps this is the solution to the mysterious fragments I had. Perhaps they didn’t
make the edit. Who knows. I have never heard of a pre-4th&5th Edition extant. I would
of course be very interested in talking to anyone who might have information about
any of these early editions. We can only hope that one will surface, eventually.
Who was he? What was he like? How did he live? We can only hope someone will write
of his life, and maybe also rediscover the lost I Chao, also mentioned by Lord Omar.
But at some stage, at last intrigued by these “holy quotes”, I copied out by hand all
of the Discordian Scriptual References in Illuminatus, including the Hagbard Celine
tracts. Hooked, I started working through other RAW ( Robert Anton Wilson ) works,
and with the inevitability of a cream pie in flight, as I ventured into more exotic
bookstores and other Purveyors of Disrepute in search of said, the Principia arced
its way towards my face. By the time it struck, I had a small collection of fragments
assembled, together with such esoterica as I’d acquired along the way ( such as
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